Domizilio C

Domizilio - Simplicity in action

Domizilio is one of the most advanced Systems worldwide to list and manage your properties online and to have your own website, using your own domain.

Domizilio is divided into 3 sections:

  1. Domizilio Portal
  2. Domizilio Management and
  3. Domizilio Web

1. DOMIZILIO PORTAL:  Insert Quality and Luxury Properties | Full Screen presentation | Up to 70 pictures just per drag-and-drop | 5 languages | Onsite Editing.


2. DOMIZILIO MANAGEMENT: A complete software platform that does it all | Email templates | Contact database and much more | Super simple.


3. DOMIZILIO WEB: Professional Website for Properties | Use your own domain  | No programming necessary  | 5 languages  | Powerful Search  | Branding  | Add Pages  | Html-Editing | Fullsreen-Presentation of your properties.





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