Villa Gherardesca


Nearby locations

Guardistallo (2,5 km)
Cecina (12 km)
Volterra (30 km)
Pisa (50 km)
Siena (70 km)


Next airport: Pisa (50 km) Next station: Cecina (12 km) Beach Distance: 12 km
Supermarket Distance: 2,5 km
Restaurant Distance: 2,5 km


5 Bedrooms:
4 double bedroom with double bed
1 double bedroom with single beds

5 Bathrooms:
5 bathroom with shower and toilette

Other rooms:
1 Breakfast kitchen
1 living room


countryside, near the coast - max. 45 Km


landscape view

Facilities outside

sunbeds, seating, private pool, garden, open parking place, barbecue

Facilities inside

Sat TV, hairdryer, DVD, microwave, air conditioning, internet-connection, fireplace, washing machine, dishwasher, oven, heating

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